Can we celebrate again?

Can we celebrate again?

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Праздник, который не заканчивается... Третий день торжества прошел в закрытой зоне формата Beach Club — мы задекорировали её в оттенках жёлтого.

Celebration that never ends.. The third day of the celebration unfolded within a closed Beach Club-style setting — we decorated it in shades of yellow

Площадка пестрила брендированными вещицами с логотипами ребят — полотенца, стикеры, палочки от мороженого и другие мелочи. Гости могли даже наклеить временные татуировки, чтобы оставить воспоминание об этом дне.

The venue was decorated with customized items featuring the couple's logos, such as towels, stickers, ice cream sticks, and various small keepsakes. Additionally, guests had the opportunity to apply temporary tattoos as a way to cherish the memories of this day.

На площадке работала радиостанция, где ведущий Михаил Белянин вспоминал события основного дня. Гости наслаждались коктейлями, плавали в бассейне, отдыхали после шумной вечеринки.  

После заката приглашённые переместились на пляж, где мы построили индивидуальный кинотеатр, вокруг которого разместили диваны с подушками. Романтическое настроение создавали гирлянды с лампочками. В кинотеатре гости посмотрели фильм, снятый молодожёнами, послушали их слова благодарности. Все по очереди обнимались с влюблёнными, даже если сделали это уже сотню раз. Никому не хотелось идти спать и разрушать магию вечера.

Юлия и Данила светились от счастья — свадьба «как с картинки» ожила и стала реальностью! Желаем влюблённым долгой семейной жизни, в которой каждая мечта исполняется с таким же масштабом, при этом дарит только радость и удовольствие.

A radio station was in full swing at the venue, with the host Mikhail Belyanin recollecting the key moments of the main day's events. Guests enjoyed cocktails, swaw in the pool, and just unwound after the lively party.

Following the sunset, the guests moved to the beach area, where we had constructed a personalized cinema. Surrounding it were sofas adorned with comfortable cushions, and the romantic ambiance was further enhanced by the soft glow of string lights.

In the beachside cinema, guests watched a film produced by the newlyweds and listened to their heartfelt words of thanks. Every guest, regardless of how many times they had done so before, embraced the couple warmly. Nobody was eager to go to sleep and disrupt the enchantment of the evening.

Yulia and Danila glowed with happiness as their dream wedding, just like one from a fairy tale, turned into reality. We wish the couple a long and happy married life, where every dream is realized on a grand scale, always bringing joy and delight.

Moreover, we designed an elegant menu and introduced inventive ways of presenting each course. The celebration was enhanced with staged performances, featuring a saxophonist, vocalist, and illusionist. The guests were deeply moved by the love story, portrayed in a video clip we produced about the couple and their relationship journey. We completed the video in just two days, filming in both the desert and Dubai. Additionally, we incorporated a retro car into the scenes, resulting in a visually stunning narrative.

We intentionally choreographed the bride and groom's first dance. We rehearsed it during the setup of the wedding venue, ensuring that certain movements aligned with specific moments to enhance the overall performance. Perfection was the goal, and perfection was achieved! The dance was accompanied by words about the couple, displayed on a vertical screen - a unique feature of the venue. The couple danced on a podium near the outdoor registration area. The guests were enchanted by a breathtaking scene - the loving couple twirling amidst beautiful decorations, bathed in the sunset's glow overlooking the Persian Gulf.

The entire event's content was broadcasted on a large vertical rectangular screen. Another highlight of the celebration was the animation of cascading water. Additionally, custom video sketches and graphics were designed specifically for the wedding.

The finale was absolutely stunning: we played out the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere, and showcased a breathtaking showpiece - the presentation of the wedding cake on the stage, announced by the emcee, followed by a ballet performance. The couple's dessert entrance was meticulously planned, with every detail timed perfectly. The highlight was the first cake cutting, synchronized with their favorite song's beat, and accompanied by a spectacular fireworks show. It served as a beautiful and unforgettable conclusion to the formal part of the evening!

After the formal activities ended, everyone gathered in the hall for the after-party, where they were treated to a wonderful surprise – a concert by Egor Krid, the couple's favorite performer. His dynamic presence and performance electrified the dance floor for a full hour. Additionally, a cover band and a DJ entertained the guests at the party.

During the event preparation, we achieved the impossible - obtaining all the necessary permits for shooting in restricted locations. This allowed us to capture unique footage of both the wedding and the couple's love story.


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Fantastic Summer Forest

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